Günter Schmid

Organisation: Siemens Energy

Tätigkeiten: Forschung und Entwicklung

Website: https://www.siemens-energy.com/de/de.html

Dr. Günter Schmid is a Principal Key Expert Research Scientist at Siemens Energy, Siemens Gas & Power GmbH & Co. KG. in the department New Energy Bussiness – Technology & Products (SE NEB TP). He earned his PhD degree from the University of Ulm (Germany) in 1993 and joined 1994 Texas A&M University (USA) for a postdoctoral position. Since 1996 he is working within the framework of Siemens companies like Siemens AG, Infineon AG and Osram in various positions. After developing high temperature stable dielectrics and organic electronic OFET and OLED devices, he started around 2010 to work on energy storage and electrochemical synthesis. His main interest is the single step electrochemical reduction of CO2 and PEM water electrolysis with its industrial process integration. Areas of interest are electro catalysts, gas-diffusion electrodes, industrial electrochemical cell design and operation conditions. Currently he is investigating aging and degradation phenomena on industrial scale on the mega watt level. G. Schmid received fellowships from the “Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes” and the “Humboldt Stiftung”. He is a member of the German Chemical Society (GDCH) and Electrical Engineering Society (VDE). Recently, he became fellow of the International Association of Advanced Materials.